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Marketing Change AheadFaced with the business transformation required to keep up with managed services, Cloud Computing, IoT and more, Channel Partners gathered in Vancouver to attend the ChannelNext community of industry leaders. This exchange produced lively discussion between MSPs, CSPs, vendors and channel coaches around the topic of how to future proof Channel Partners.

The event kicked off with a panel of experts moderated by Julian Lee, CO TEchnoPlanet. The panelists included CRM Coach Rick McCutcheon; Tara Landes, Founder of Bellrock; Randal Wark, co-founder of VARMasterMind; and Dan Shapero, Founder of ClikCloud. Here is the advice from the experts:

Don’t Leave for Work Without an Operating Plan

Tara entered the panel discussion emphasizing “there is no way to future proof your business.”  However, having a solid business plan with metrics you can track and measure is a step toward ensuring your business will be around for a while. Do you know how many new customers you need each month to stay on plan?

Social Selling to Future Proof your Business

Rick provided solid recommendations for sales professions.”Hire sales people with a proven track record of success.” He added that Linkedin was the tool to turn to for building a pipeline.  Social selling is a key skill to future proof your business. Randal added to the conversation, “Don’t hire one salesperson, hire two. After six months keep the best salesperson and fire the other! “

Embrace Digital Marketing

ClikCloud’s own Dan Shapero added three tips to leverage digital marketing to future proof your business. First, use permission-based email to stay top of mind with your customers, prospects and business partners to drive warm referrals. Second, recycle and upcycle content to work smart. For example, transcribe webinars to write blogs, and use those blogs to drive an email newsletter, social media, and microblogs. Lastly, Shapero added “consider a strong call to action to engage your digital visitors.” Cloud readiness assessments, onsite troubleshooting and network assessments are all great ways to engage.

Julien Lee acknowledged that it is all easier said than done. Channel partners need to focus on the activities suggested by experts in the field, and encouraged the audience to connect individually with the panel of experts, in order to gain the insights and priorities that meet the specific needs of each channel partner. Sound advice to future proof your business, for sure.

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